I taught my 7:30 am Yoga for Stiffer Bodies class. I guess it's not so surprising that those who come, those who know that they are tight, acknowledge it and perhaps even identify with it, also acknowledge their rigidity in other aspects of living, like their undying commitment to attend yoga early on Saturday morning. I love that crowd because mostly the same group comes. It's great to get to know a group.
We talked about community today. The group happily gave each other shoulder massages. In fact, they were so into it, I had a hard time commandeering the class back into my control. People really got what I was shooting for--community. The Economics of Human Capital. They were chatting and laughing with each other and making each other feel good.
After yoga, I drove to Whole Foods and decided to do something radical: buy food to put AT my house so that if I ever became hungry (funny, happens every day, it seems) I could eat food that is already here. . . at home. I decided to put it in this heretofore forlornly box that people call a "refrigerator," which up to this point has been harboring various mold and bacteria cultures.
While at the store I bought two dozen yellow roses, and some of the most aromatic lilies. I bought stuff for a green drink (see recipe below).
While I was shopping, a happy song from Girls Just Want to Have Fun, came on, "Dancing in heaven, I never thought I'd get my feet this far . . ." The early morning Whole Foods crowd seemed to be in a good mood. This was confirmed when Depeche Mode's Just Can't Get Enough came on and people from all over the store were singing out the words (just like I was doing in my head) loudly and pleasantly obnoxious.
I came home and made my green drink because, dammit, I deserve it.
Green Drink:
Handful of baby spinach
Several glubs of coconut water
Small handful of blueberries
a peeled lime
a couple of shakes of shredded coconut
three dates, pitted.
a cucumber
half an avacado
stick all of it in a blender and blend it . . . then keep blending . . . and then blend it more . . . keep going. . .
Then drink. Yummie and uber nutritious.
Today I'm going to study and plan for my upcoming retreat next Thursday. Around two I'll go teach a group of young yoga teachers how to communicate non-verbally through body language and what not. I'm planning on spending a good portion of my day in this chair.
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